Aurora/Samson Girl

Goat, Kiko, Kid (female) | Gray/Brown/Black buckskin

DOB: 1/6/2024 (Under 1 yr)

Sire: DOG Samson

💙 100% New Zealand AKGA/NKR Registered

DOG Samson

KikoBuck (male)Black/Brown
AKGA# 20p095dog42, NKR# N20m0095dog9DOB: 3/19/20204 yrs
100% NZ Buckling Blue Eyes DOB - 3/19/20 Twin BW: 8.1 lbs 30 Day: 23.2lbs (ADG .50) 60 Day: 38lbs (ADG .50) 90 Day: 50lbs (ADG .47) 150 Day: 62 lbs (ADG .38) ​
 AKGA# 20p095dog42, NKR# N20m0095dog9 Black/Brown

AKGA/NKR Registered Purebred


KikoDoe (female)White, Black, and Tan
AKGA# 19K102LNH40, NKR# N19F0102LNH1DOB: 4/20/20195 yrs
Twin, b/wt. 8.4#, 90 day wt. 40# FF Bred to BANDIT Ultrasound confirmed pregnant with twins 3/4/21 Delivered 1 boy and 1 girl, both spotted!!! placed with BANDIT 9/17/21 - 10/19/21 11/6/21 Ultrasound confirmed bred 2/19/22 kidded a 10.25# doeling **Died of pneumonia 9/9/22 Bred to REMINGTON 10/22/22 Ultrasound confirmed pregnant 2/3/23 Kidded twins 6.3# doeling (breach) - (Sylvia) buckling also breach (didn't make it) 8/7/23 bred to SAMSON 9/24/23 Ultrasound Unclear 10/1/23 Ultrasound Confirmed 1/6/24 kidded a single 8.2# Doeling
 AKGA# 19K102LNH40, NKR# N19F0102LNH1 White, Black, and Tan



Plus registration costs, if desired


8.2# Single 30 day wt 23# 1st CD/T 2/10/24 2nd CD/T 3/9/24

Updated 4/13/2024